OPEN HOUSE this Saturday July 29th
Hello from Jungle Jacks! Please join us for our annual Open House on Saturday July 29th. Gate opens at 8a, and shopping starts at 9a....

2023 Season Events - Save the Dates!
Greetings from your friends at Jungle Jack's Plumeria! After a cold and rainy winter, we're ready to see some blooms! Root! By April, all...

Texas Fans: Lots of JJ Plumeria Heading Your Way
Lots of Jungle Jack Plumeria - many already in bloom - heading to Houston (Saturday), San Antonio (Friday) and Victoria, Texas Four...

Summer is almost here - Plumeria Events & News you can Use!
Get ready to see lots and lots of blooms from your favorite plant - Plumeria! We're looking at an outstanding plumeria season at Jungle...