JJ AKA Names: Reference
If you joined a Facebook plumeria group, you probably noticed an acronym: AKA. It
stands for ‘Also Known As’, and it indicates alternate names for plumeria varieties.

Alternate names for Jungle Jack’s varieties
Amazing not Miracle, but same flowers
Bird of Paradise AKA BOP
Carnival AKA Pink Carnival, FCN's Salmon Jack
Cathay Pearl AKA Gee Petch, Magenta Powder, Malee
Ceylon Beauty AKA Thai Fire Storm
Cherokee Geisha AKA New Violet, possibly Toffee
Coho AKA Boon Yen, Bun Yen
Cote d'Or AKA Pot of Gold
CS2 AKA Orange Jack, California Sunset #2
CS3 AKA California Sunset #3
Delicato AKA Chompoo Jack
Delightful AKA J5, Chompoo Benchasiri
Desert Sunrise AKA J71, Jack 71
Diva AKA Lava
Divine AKA Compact Pink
Dulcemia AKA Orange Sixty, Orange 60, Mai Tai
Ever After AKA Sao Panthum, Cattleya
Fantasy AKA Lisa
Gina AKA Jeena, Jeena Red
Grace AKA Yellow Jack, Jack's Compact Yellow, Lueng Compact, Gold Bouquet, New Jack Yellow, Super Gold
Hurricane Sunrise AKA Pink Diamond
J105 AKA New Shocking, Josie, Norma Christina, Norma, Lampang Symphony
Mandalay AKA Passion
Mona Lisa previously Minerva
Nirvana AKA Bermuda, Debbie, Bangkok Smile
Orange Jack AKA CS2, JJ Orange
Oratai AKA Chompoo Oratai, Orathai
Panitta's Yellow AKA Heidi
Purple Jack AKA Jack’s Purple, Muang Jack
Red Jack AKA Dwarf Red, JJ Mini Red
Salmon Jack is not the same as FCN's Salmon Jack, which is our Carnival
Sangria AKA Chompoo Sumpaan
Serenade similar to J23, but is a new JJ variety
Scentsational AKA Vanilla Swirl
Shangri La AKA Thai Spyn
Shooting Star AKA Som Raya, Thai Firestorm
Tango AKA R3, not R03
Tbred Tracy AKA Million Flowers
Tesla Girl AKA Korky Pink
Thai Jade AKA Puang Yok, Poon Yok
Tiger AKA Jack 50, J50, Lai Suea, Galaxy
Tong Deng AKA Golden Heart, Copper
Typhoon AKA Maggie, Three Kings
Vienna Rose AKA Lucky Pink, Chiang Mai Surprise
Our AKA list is compiled from JJ fan feedback and our own research. If you know other AKAs, or have a correction, please let us know!